There are many titles: Moving Coordinator, Move Manager, Senior Move Manager, Moving Specialist, Relocation Consultant, unpack/put-away-er!? I am sure I am missing a few but those are the major ones. Some are obvious – like SENIOR move managers. They work with seniors who are moving and most likely DOWNSIZING. Unpack/put-away is a generic and self-explanatory service with some nuances. Moving companies, for example, may offer unpacking services – which means they will unpack boxes and set items on a flat surface like tables, countertops, and the floor. Some movers offer “maid service.” This is where boxes are unpacked and items placed in cupboards and closets – not necessarily with any sense of organization. All the other titles refer to some form of project management and may or may not include professional organizing services.
Do you REALLY want your assistant
— Tom Nevermann
in your underwear drawer?
I often compare a moving coordinator’s services to a wedding planner’s. Sure, you can throw a wedding without using a wedding planner, but how good of a time will you have at your party? That’s when I hear, “Moving’s NOT a party!” To which I respond, “BUT IT CAN BE!” Most of our clients check into a hotel or go on vacation during the move. and handle all the details. Working with the client’s Interior designer, we schedule, oversee and supervise the entire project. Once everything is delivered, my crew arrives and we unpack, organize, alphabetize, bin, label, and color code everything from crayons to cashmere.

And honestly, shouldn’t the insides of your closets and cupboards be as beautiful as the luxurious rooms of your home?
— Tom Nevermann
We all remember our first move. It usually involved a few friends, a pick-up truck, pizza, and ice-cold beer. (Hopefully, IN that order!) Times have changed. Perhaps now you’re married – and you’d like to remain so! Maybe there are kids or pets to consider. You probably have a lot more furniture these days – the kind that doesn’t require assembly. OH! And then there’s work. Assuming you’d like to keep your job!
I’ve had potential clients think they can get the movers started, head off to work and leave them to it. WRONG! Most reputable moving companies will insist an adult be on site the entire time. All day, every day. That’s kind of a no-brainer.
Clients often suggest their assistant or house manager can handle the project oversight. I have to explain, their assistant’s full-time job is running their lives! And then I ask the crucial question: Do you really want your assistant in your underwear drawer?

Some Interior Designers offer unpacking services – just make sure you’re both in agreement as to the specifics. Others only focus on the installation of furnishings, draperies, and decor. They prefer someone else handle all the client’s personal items. That’s when a moving coordinator offering professional organizing services can make your life a dream. Imagine coming home to your completely organized new home! And honestly, shouldn’t the insides of your closets and cupboards be as beautiful as the luxurious rooms of your home? We think so!
Phyllis Diller on MOVING!
“I find the word MOVING very powerful!” Ms. Diller explained when I asked about her motivation to create the oil painting I was purchasing. In the last years of her life, Phylis Diller would host “art parties” at her sprawling Brentwood home. She painted. A LOT! There was art on every wall in every room. Some were framed and others, like my MOVING piece, were not. As she signed the back of the painting, I told her about my business and how it felt as if she created it specifically for me! “Oh… I DID!” she looked up at me with her wide eyes and a smile. “I’m just glad someone will enjoy it!” I responded with, “Well I am just glad it’s a tax write-off!” She burst out laughing with her unforgettable cackle. I felt a certain sense of accomplishment having made Phyllis Diller laugh.
It even made signing the check a little easier.

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I personally want to thank my clients for their referrals. We’ve been in business over 34 years and 95% of our business still comes from word of mouth. We so appreciate your trust!
Please forward this to anyone you know who may be moving or service providers in the real estate business. We love networking!
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Stay Safe….